This 28,300 SF clinic includes a 2,300 SF behavioral suite designed with a separate entrance for privacy and safety to patients and includes consult rooms, a group meeting room, provider offices and support spaces. Other typical program spaces include, 16 primary care exam rooms, an imaging suite with x-ray, mammography and ultrasound, a retail pharmacy and a lab. The clinics also incorporate a large space for a community, family and children’s learning center.
One feature that was significant in supporting both patients and staff is the on-stage/off-stage design. Identifying patient facing spaces and keeping staff areas separate allows for more patient privacy, improves efficiency and infection control, and reduces noisy distractions. Off-stage care team pods allow for better staff collaboration, improving patient care. One space that is critical to supporting this design is the two-door exam room. Patient and provider spaces are identified in the flooring and the room layout, supporting this delineation. Patients and their families have a space that is clearly their own while providers can serve and educate patients with the tools and equipment needed within arms-reach.

We understand that time is money and speed to market is critical in supporting patient care. For the site adapt clinics, we implemented shortened schematic and design development project phases while focusing on site issues critical to Valleywise like patient access and staff safety.
The Mesa Community Health Center had the most site constraints and involved multiple new stakeholders and jurisdictions. Collaborating with our consultants, project management team and the City of Mesa was critical in adapting the project for this site.

This clinic proves that the adaptable design works – a modified pod creates the space that supports the Behavioral health needs of the community. A separate patient entrance seamlessly integrates with the original storefront looking over the landscaped courtyard. A family learning center also looks out to the courtyard with it’s own entrance for after-hours and weekend activities. The Valleywise Community Health Center truly supports the mind, body, and spirits of the patients they serve.